Title: Report: Late Night Gate Sentry Post by: Grief Dryfh Gry on August 21, 2005, 12:40:25 am A sentry conducted late this evening, after hearing reports of wandering Undead. Pressure was put on defending the Covian gates, to prevent the Undead from entering the town and terrorising the civilians.
Attended guardsmen: Robert Fripp, Watchman Erik Arkay, Watchman Led by: Grief Dryfh Gry, Senior Guardsman Guardsmen sitting at ease, but ready for battle ----------------------------------------------- (http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/1040/sentry4hn.jpg) The tension was high at one point! ----------------------------------------------- (http://img372.imageshack.us/img372/8769/sentry29fd.jpg) Conducted time: 20 minutes No reports of suspicious undead trying to sneak into town. A well done Guard Sentry, Signed with severe care, Grief Dryfh Gry |