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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Anari/Gareck Hallows on August 21, 2005, 10:50:56 am

Title: All tha' 'ard work fer naythin'...
Post by: Anari/Gareck Hallows on August 21, 2005, 10:50:56 am
*Anari collapses into a stool at the barracks and begins writing...*

                Thomas Sendrich, Guardsman Recruit
                Anari, Junior Guardsman - Lead

                We star'ed makin' t' Gate as soon as we arrived. I had brough' several hides wi' meh an' we star'ed a' once. In jus' a few moments, t' base layer of t' Gate was complete, alas, we 'ad run out of 'ides !! I sen' Recruit Thomas inter t' surroundin' forests ter fetch some more.

Out of hides...

                 Once 'e arrived back, we completed t' Gate in nay time. *Nods proudly*... 'Owever... as we lacked a Carpenter, we 'ad teh make do wi' differen' colour 'ides fer t' Gate. So, as i coul' see t' minimal effor' of t' construction nearly killed meh recruit, I wen' teh dispise mehself ter collect some blue spined leather. I was back in nay time at all.

Anari making light work of some lizard men...

                 At las' ! I' was finished. An' i' was a good'un too. So I sa' down waitin' fer some people ter pass by, readeh teh ge' names an' business... check fer weapons... all tha' rubbish.

Anari sitting down and admiring his and Thomas' handiwork...

                 *Tumble weed blows infront of the gate sentry* Naythin'... absolutely farkin' naythin'... Cove was as empty as meh recrui's 'ead! Nayone aneh where... We wai'ed fer a' leas' twen'y five minu'es!! An' then... NAYTHIN'.  Then t' book... tha' was worse... I copied ou' 'eadin's an' alike, readeh fer a swarm of people teh que up ter enter... NAYTHIN'... AGAIN... after 'alf an hour we gave up.

The empty log book...

I dismissed Thomas an' we returned back ter teh Barracks fer a well earn' ale....


Anari, Junior Guardsman
Covian Millitia

Anari Bahan...

Title: Re: All tha' 'ard work fer naythin'...
Post by: Ahmed on August 21, 2005, 12:01:25 pm
I doubt all that hard work was for nothing Junior, you protected Cove's gates for an extended amount of time. Plus, you're also filling promotion requirements, so all I can say is exceptional work!

Ahmed Al Maktoum,
Grenadier Sergeant

Title: Re: All tha' 'ard work fer naythin'...
Post by: Anari/Gareck Hallows on August 21, 2005, 01:10:43 pm
Anari is beaming when he reads the reply by Ahmed...

Thank ye vereh much ser, now I come to think of i', I guess weh did do a good 'elp ter t' Covian public.


Anari, Junior Guardsman
Covian Millitia

Anari Bahan...