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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Samuel West on August 21, 2005, 10:53:39 am

Title: Hunt to Ilshnelar
Post by: Samuel West on August 21, 2005, 10:53:39 am
*Thomas walks up to the board to check out what duties he has left to do and realises that the hunt to Ilshnelar had no report.*

Im wrigh'in' this repor' because the lazy, *Mutters*, who was asigned ta do i' didn't and as i' is needed for promotions i though i migh' as well do i'.

Leader: Regular Scout Calico Kate

Memebers: Regular scout Kal ShadowHand
                  Junior Guardsman Anari
                  Junior Guardsman Kurt
                  Watchman Garand
                  Watchman Erik Arkay
                  Watchman Gregory Grayskye
                  Guardsman Recruit Grazgon
                  Guardsman Recruit James Moris *Mutters* The guy who should 'ave done this.                            Guardsman Recruit Layla
                  Guardsman Recruit Thomas Sendrich

If i missed any of ya just say so.

Where to: Ilshnelar Honesty then to Ilshnelar Chaos *Shudders*

What happened:

We went off ta Honesty an' went ta this strange underground palace with strange silvery floa'in' thin's tha' we were warned against attackin' by Regular Calico under pain off......... Uhmm........ Pain! So we wen' down ta halls till we foun' a stair case witch a' the bottom off which ha' a few strange undead wytches lurgin' aroun' which we killed an' moved on. As we went down deeper inta the palace we mee' more powerfull an' evil thin's *Shudders at the thought of them.... Then we reached as far as we coul' an' there......there was a Daemon!!   A big Black Daemon o' the Abyss!! I' knocked almos' everyone before we go' away. As we left ta palace we came ta some sor' off temple where Massive Titans lived. After slaughterin' a few we left and went on ta our next challenge.....

After areavin' a' the dreade' Chaos we came to light resistans bu' they where destroyed easily by our forces. As we went deeper in we came ta the restin' place of a dragan tha' we killed an' a few efree', Bi' like a Genie bu' evil, We killed them ta bu' as we advanced we mee' a Big Golden Dragon..... I quess tha' i' was pissed off abou' the death of the other one because i' charged us! After abou' an hour of havoc, people ge'in' knocked ou' and picked up constently, We left the Dragon to figh' Somethin' else an' moved back ta the Efreet. After slayin' a few of them we returned back ta the barracks for a well earned breack. *Sighs......*

Signed... Guardsman Recruit Thomas Sendrich

Thomas Sendrich

P.S. Sorry abou' the lack of pictures i didn't take any on the hun'

Title: Re: Hunt to Ilshnelar
Post by: Ahmed on August 21, 2005, 11:55:50 am
If Recruit Moris doesn't write it, he'll never get promoted! Apart from the lack of pictures, although you did provide a reason for it, good report recruit! Let's keep them coming!

Ahmed Al Maktoum,
Grenadier Sergeant (Acting)

Title: Re: Hunt to Ilshnelar
Post by: Samuel West on August 21, 2005, 12:21:59 pm
Thank ye Ser