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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: userjosh5368 on August 22, 2005, 09:17:08 am

Title: Honesty and Chaos hunt
Post by: userjosh5368 on August 22, 2005, 09:17:08 am
Guardsman leading hunt:- regular scout Calico Kate

Guardsmen attended the hunt:-
Regular scout Kal Shadowhand
Junior guardsmen Anarai
Watchman Gregory Grayskye
Watchman Erik Arkey
Guardsmen recruit James Moris
Guardsmen recruit Thomas Sendrich
Guardsmen recruit Grazgorn

We headed off towards minoc moongate quickly moving across the enemy lines undetected not wishing to result in a small skirmishing battle.
As we arrived at the moongate the order was given by Miss Calico to proceed to Honesty as we arrived through the moongate we were attacked by a few imps and gazers as we came through but they were no match for us and so they met there fate death!
We carried on up north west of the gate fighting more imps as gazers as we went until we reach a small grotto like entrance.We walked in ready for what would be in there to find wisps floating about and dark wisp trophies displayed around the hall like corridors as we came to the end of the hall like maze we found a flight of stairs leading down deeper into the depths of this place ready we marched in evil mages and witches attacked us with are superior numbers and healing skills we destroyed them with ease,heading through to the other end many other mages confronted us even though we cut them down one by one then a golden bodied one attacked far stronger than the other but he was still not powerful enough to defeat us all.Heading on though the area we descended again down some stairs were ettins cylpeons and titans lay wait and attacked with effort and great healing skills we passed through unharmed.We headed down the corridor but to are dismay a Balron appeared and attack us some were knocked as it fought its way to miss Kate as she had taunted it to lead it away from us,as the other were healed up miss kate had lead it off far from us when she retunred we made escape to the entrance of titian temple we though through many ettins titians and cylpeons beating there bodies to lifeless corpses and killing there allies as we went we soon after left the temple and headed up ettin road as I call it to the moongate at Honesty and headed into chaos fighting are way to Effreet passage were we fought a dragon and several Effreet which we all took down.
To are dismay golden dragon came and started to destroy are ranks as we fled separate ways to lead it away from the main group but it could smell us far off and continued its pursuit hunting us down then again it was lead away by one of us and didn’t come back. We headed back again to Effreet passage were we killed many and looted them of there gold finally we headed back to the barracks were a grand sum of 30k was collected and shared out most went to the militia and some to the church.We were then dismissed
Grand hunt miss Calico Kate

Title: Re: Honesty and Chaos hunt
Post by: Ahmed on August 22, 2005, 09:24:54 am
Exceptional report recruit, however next time I'd like to see some sketches, one or two would be fine! Keep up the good work!

Ahmed Al Maktoum,
Grendier Sergeant

Title: Re: Honesty and Chaos hunt
Post by: Samuel West on August 23, 2005, 04:10:48 pm
Ye was a bi' slow on tha' James i already did the report