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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Samuel West on August 23, 2005, 10:29:18 pm

Title: Cleaning the barracks
Post by: Samuel West on August 23, 2005, 10:29:18 pm
*Thomas comes to the board tired after a long day of cleaning*

Well i was a' the barracks an' there was nothin' ta do so i desided to clean up all the mess the eji' Officers Recruits left dehind.


After i go' the advanced cleaning equipment. I Star'ed ta clean the place. star'in' with the tables, An' by the way STOP! mashin' the peas to the table.



Next i did a bi' o' dustin'.


*Pats pocket and it gives a jingle of coins*

And lastly i cleaned the cells.
After the work was done i sat back down an' admired me work.



Guardsman Recruit Thomas Sendrich

Title: Re: Cleaning the barracks
Post by: Ahmed on August 23, 2005, 10:39:10 pm
Yer forgot to clean my desk you muppet! Bah! Good work anyway, glad to see you kept yourself occupied and doing the dirty work. Someone has to do it eh?

Grenadier Sergeant Maktoum,
Cove Militia & Militia Administration