Title: Next Junior Course: Want the Staple Belt?? Post by: Gregor Eason on August 25, 2005, 01:28:31 am Junior Course, Militia Academy: Begins 3.20pm GMT Saturday 27/08/05
Want the Staple Belt?? Come get it! Attend the Junior Course, Militia Academy in order to chip away at ye promotion to Regular Guardsman, those privileged to wear the respected Militia staple belt! Note: More specific information on Course will be released closer to the date. Course Elements * Three Training Sessions * One Main Lecture (Theory and Practical) * Asssessments Eligible Guardsmen * Junior Guardsman Feraz * Junior Guardsman Joey Lanai * Junior Guardsman Kurt * Junior Guardsman Vince Valentine * Junior Guardsman Drachir * Junior Guardsman Arkonios * Junior Guardsman Judas Deibeau * Junior Guardsman Anari Briefing At all stages your attitude and commitment toward the Course will be monitored, and it IS possible to fail this course upon total impudence and incompetence. The Course itself looks to hone your combat skills and confidence in battle, and sets you a group assessment in the form of a Final Exercise, testing all the knowledge ye have acquired from the Course. Completion On completion of the Course, AND on completion of ALL ye promotional requirements, you will become a Regular Guardsman of the Cove Militia. Your level of professionalism will have improved, and your general code of conduct in all your duties will be marked with increased discipline, motivation, and tenacity. Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council |