Title: Gate Senty Duty! - Thursday, 25/8/05 at 10pm GMT Post by: Veldrin on August 25, 2005, 05:27:22 am Gate Sentry Duty at.. uh.. Cove gates! Fulfill those last few requirements!
When: 10pm GMT Where: Assemble at the Barracks first, but if you're late, join us at the city gate. What to bring: Parade arms, bandages, your full armor. It'd be foolish not to bring any weapons, as I hear a pair of bandits have returned to Cove. ^.~ Led by Veldrin, the... Arcane Corporal? >.>;; Title: Re: Gate Senty Duty! - Thursday, 25/8/05 at 10pm GMT Post by: Gregor Eason on August 25, 2005, 05:37:23 pm *bump*