Title: Orc Fort and Coveshire Patrol Post by: Anari/Gareck Hallows on August 25, 2005, 08:02:50 pm *Anari sits down in the Barracks and begins writing with a smile on his face after a good patrol...*
Lead: Anari, Junior Guardsman Attended: Layla, Guardsman Recruit. Erik Arkay, Watchman Kal ShadowHand, Regular Scout Seamus, Guardsman Recruit Gregory Greyskye, Watchman We star'ed orf into 'em Coveshire, t' group followed orders quickly an' efficien'ly so we arrived quickly a' 'em Graveyard, we travelled quickly through 'em fores' followed in 'em distance by Regular ShadowHand. (http://img347.imageshack.us/img347/2844/enteringtheforest8mj.jpg) Entering the forests... Once we arrived at 'em Graveyard, we were attacked straigh' away... bu' we quickly and easily dispatched 'em. They fell loik a rock from 'em sky. We moved quickly into 'em deep Graveyard, we found more threatenin' foes, we found a lich. We fough' fer a few momen's then t' Lich fell to i's second death. (http://img347.imageshack.us/img347/8224/enteringthegraveyard7pr.jpg) The graveyard entrance... (http://img347.imageshack.us/img347/6388/inthegraveyard5tv.jpg) After defeating the Lich... We then made our way over to 'em Orc Fort. Once there we fough' many foes, we ventured deep, and suddenly we found ourselves surrounded... At one poin' I feared fer our lives... (http://img347.imageshack.us/img347/314/orcsurrounding6yr.jpg) Orc surroundin' us... Bu' we 'ad teh upper 'and... teamwork, 'em Orc though' onleh of 'em selves an' we soon slew them all... We 'it them before they knew wha' was 'appenin'... We even go' one of 'em Biggun's by choppin' at i's knees... finally i' fell, an' it crushed several Orcs when it dropped... 'ow kind eh? (http://img347.imageshack.us/img347/1909/afterwekilledtheorcs1nw.jpg) After we had killed the Orcs... As we were leavin' we were ambushed by another group of 'em savages... Though taken by suprise, we faugh' valiantly... An' finally after much struggle we succeeded an' we fell our enemies! (http://img308.imageshack.us/img308/8804/secondbrute0vm.jpg) After defeating the ambush... Everyone returned to 'em barracks an' I dismissed 'em, they lef' an' I wen' an' star'ed this 'ere repor'. Signed: Anari, Junior Guardsman, Baronship of Cove. Anari Bahan... Title: Re: Orc Fort and Coveshire Patrol Post by: Anari/Gareck Hallows on August 25, 2005, 08:03:58 pm If I missed yer name, sign 'ere.
[OOC: Just put, I attended and sign on this thread... thankyou] Signed: Anari, Junior Guardsman, Baronship of Cove. Anari Bahan... |