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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on August 26, 2005, 12:06:47 pm

Title: I Took The Barons Shilling Last Night
Post by: Raiden Morana on August 26, 2005, 12:06:47 pm
Hello everyone.

Well i joined the Militia last night, Raiden Morana, Master Swordsman.

I didn't have too much time as it was quite late when I rec'd the Baron's Pigeon.

I had enough time to get equipped and have a spot of swordplay with Seamus at the barracks before logging off. (It wont be as easy for the next person i cross sword with!) :-[

I decided to join up after bumping into an Arcane squad the other night (they rezzed me as I had been slain in Covetous). Arc gave me a link to the web site - ahem - tome, which is fantastic and invited me to join. Though I must say Veldrin's abruptness clinched it. :P

I have been playing UO for a few years off and on without really getting stuck into a character. Raiden's combat skills are quite good but he has often ploughed a lonely furrow against minor monsters on lower levels of covetous and despise so is still a little naive in combat - which is something i hope the Militia will put right!!!

Raiden needed a guild to gain colleagues for hunts and mentors to help hone his skills and potential.

I tend to get a couple of hours game time in during most week nights and a bit longer at weekends (not much tonight tho - the Reds are playing).

I'm new to guilds and role playing so i hope you guys will bear with me. I need to speed up my typing, people kept thinking i'd nodded off last night. :)

I know the tome states that no magic pieces such as rings and bracelets may be used - does that go for armour and weps? Can i only use standard issue armour and katana?

Also this is going to sound ridiculous but when i was fighting Seamus in the barracks i was unsure whether i could use bandies or healing potions/spells. A few pointers would be great.

That's it for now - sorry it's such a long post, I'll get a character profile together soon!

Dave (Raiden Morana)

Title: Re: I Took The Barons Shilling Last Night
Post by: Daelin on August 26, 2005, 12:25:39 pm
Well good to have you on board Raiden always grand to have new enthusiastic members. :)

As for your questions about the magic weapons.. I’m afraid no magic items what-so-ever are allowed which counts for : Weapons , Jewelry , Armour etc.

And as for healing.. Well potions are allowed to be used as are bandages and spells.

If you do have any other questions about the guild or the rules or perhaps other kind of problems you can always contact me. (I think I added you to my ICQ list last night)

Anyway good to have you here and hope you have fun! :)

Title: Re: I Took The Barons Shilling Last Night
Post by: Raiden Morana on August 26, 2005, 12:32:44 pm
Thanks for the info Daelin.

No doubt I'll be in touch over the coming weeks- it's a bit of a learning curve at the mo, but good fun :)

Title: Re: I Took The Barons Shilling Last Night
Post by: Ahmed on August 26, 2005, 12:42:22 pm
Mate if you need any help at all, just feel free to ask, we're always available to help you *thumbs up*
Hope you enjoy your stay in Cove  :D

Title: Re: I Took The Barons Shilling Last Night
Post by: Veldrin on August 26, 2005, 12:47:59 pm
We're definitely glad to have you aboard, Raiden! And it's all right if you're new to RP, we accept roleplayers of all levels. I myself have been roleplaying for over six years now (longer if you count playing with my dolls when I was young <.<). I've been playing UO for about a year and a half. I joined BoC because I was looking for a friendly RP community that I could sink into. You couldn't have bumped into a better guild. The Baronship of Cove is a slightly newish roleplay guild that was started... I think about a year ago (which compared to the veteran roleplaying guilds of Europa, namely Grd, is quite young). We have an awesome GM, Octiovus, and a still awesome AGM, Gregor Eason, and a board of Command members that help run the guild and will be more than happy to help you out whereve you need. We go on our fair share of hunts to dungeons and Ilshenar, as well as have little events like public markets and jousting tournaments, and we're at war with both Kaldor and Vesper, so we even get to have large scale PvP battles.

It doesn't matter whether your character is a beefed up PvP powermonger or not. BoC is not based on PvP ability. What we care about is the roleplay and the community. If your character IS a beefed up PvP powermonger, well, that's a plus. :) As for armor... you can use any armor or weapon you like, as long as it's nonmagical. We only allow GM armor and weapons so that there are no magical mods that might give one fighter and edge over the other. That way, fights are more dependant on skill, rather than how much you can afford. It keeps everyone even. We supplied your armor and weapons so that you have some, but you're more than welcome to request a suit with custom resists, and you can ask for any weapon you like and we can whip one up if there aren't any in the militia storage.

I apologize if anything here is over-explained, I just prefer to be thorough. I can see that you've definitely done your homework, and I am very pleased someone has thoroughly looked over our tome. You seem like a very sensible individual and it's always great to know people who are responsible enough to help themselves and be informed, rather than asking the GMs a bunch of questions that are answered on the tome. Don't be discouraged to ask any questions at all, though. If you missed something or if you can't find anything, or if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask me. My ICQ (or pigeon number) is 174-674-957.

Being new to roleplay is just fine. We have roleplayers of all levels and ages in BoC, so it isn't hard to fit right in. I completely understand the slow typing thing. Sometimes my head is so blank that I can't manage roleplay very well, and I'm stuck there at my keyboard for a minute or two trying to think of what to say. But roleplaying isn't really that hard. It's just like a story book. Your character is an important part of roleplay. Where he's from, what he's seen, what he's done. Just a general history to figure out. It isn't required or anything, but it's handy if it comes up in conversation. The main thing we worry about is just the here and now.

Say we've caught a bandit and we've asked you to tie him up. If you're holding a sword and shield, tuck those away before tying him up. And emoting is important too. Give the other characters a chance to counter. Instead of, "*ties him up,*" try, "*attempts to tie his hands with a bit of twine*." The former is called power-emoting, and we get a lot of complaints if we're not fair enough. Also, and you probably read this already elsewhere, if you're wearing a helm, it's a little silly to type *smiles,* isn't it? A lot of people do instead *smiles under his helm*, or even go as far to chuckle or snort. Once you get the hang of roleplaying, it all comes very naturally. Don't feel inadequate or not good enough. We all have to start somewhere. All we want from you is the willingness to try.

Just a few pointers to help you out in game; ICQ numbers, as you've seen us refer to them, are called "pigeon numbers." We like to switch up the terms sometimes. Raven numbers, pigeon cage number, and so on. And when you die in game, we don't really think of it as dying. We call it being knocked out. And when we resurrect, we just call it helping them up. It'd be a little silly Roleplay-wise if people kept coming back to life all of the time, since we get knocked all of the time at training. Horses are pretty much disallowed as an OOC and IC rule. Annd... don't feel bad if you get knocked by anyone in training. It's pretty normal. I hope you weren't too attached to your fame. <.< When I first joined BoC, I was pretty game oriented and used too many non-RP terms like gating and banking and so on. And I panicked every time I was knocked. But now it's like, 'Pfeh, jerk. I'm gonna kick his ass.' Or more likely just a sigh of disappointment that I lost a battle.

Hm... I've been a bit long winded here, so I'll give you a break. Sorry for my long post. :) If you need help with anything else, I am definitely happy to answer your questions. I hope this is helpful to you.

Title: Re: I Took The Barons Shilling Last Night
Post by: Raiden Morana on August 26, 2005, 01:14:11 pm
Hi Veldrin & Ahmed,

Thanks for your posts.

I'm just trying to learn as much as I can and hopefully I can get some serious game time in and maybe even make it to a Watchman :)

I found that at times i was just gaming aimlessly building up my skills but maybe not so much my fame and reputation and certainly not my bank balance :)

Can't wait to get really started and build a career in the Militia!

Now i need to sort a profile ...

Mmmm ... T'will be dark me thinks! *Raiden Snarled*

Title: Re: I Took The Barons Shilling Last Night
Post by: Feraz on August 26, 2005, 01:37:24 pm
Welcome aboard mate!  ;D

A good tip is to read the rp guides on the forum.. I belive Hrothgar and Octi has put something up somewhere here...

Anyway welcome again!

Title: Re: I Took The Barons Shilling Last Night
Post by: Drachir on August 26, 2005, 04:20:05 pm
Aye! I regret not reading all of the RP section of the CoRE website and the BoC website when I first joined...made alot of silly mistakes and made myself look like an idiot.

 Another thing that's always good for a new Recruit to do, is absorb every possible bit of roleplay from other BoC members, learning from other peoples experience is a brilliant way to make a nice story line and upbringing for your character.

And lastly, try not to take anything that's said In-Game extremely seriously, its roleplaying, so if someone is being a total bitch in-game try not to hold a grudge against them, out of character they might turn out to be the nicest person you'll meet in BoC.

Title: Re: I Took The Barons Shilling Last Night
Post by: Veldrin on August 26, 2005, 07:21:00 pm
Yeah, that last part is really important. My character Veldrin is a drow, and by nature she's a total biatch. She'll be mean to everyone, but please don't take it personally. I'm really quite nice others! Honest... >.>

Sometimes there's a misunderstanding though, and if it really bothers you, come talk to one of us.

And I don't really have to say this I'm sure, but if you ever want to say something OOC to anyone, be it a fellow roleplayer or just another gamer, try to party them and say it. If it's a guild member, ask their ICQ over guild chat and you can get it sorted there. I've come across a few times where two roleplayers lapsed into OOC to tell each other...and this is funny... NOT to go OOC. Just try to be resourceful as you can.

Don't worry about memorizing all of this. It will all come very naturally once you get used to us. ^.^

Title: Re: I Took The Barons Shilling Last Night
Post by: Althalus on August 26, 2005, 07:33:26 pm
Bah Drachir you still make a fool of yeself :P

Anyhow good to have you aboard and some very good points been made here (even by drachir) you might not see as much of me as you will the otheres but ill be around late at night and if you ever need advice just ask thats what we are here for :)