Title: Household Sashes Withdrawn! Post by: Whispers of Cove on August 26, 2005, 04:04:05 pm A snobby orderly addressed the Baron.
"My Liege.. Seems these new Sashes ye have awarded Senior Guardsman and above with are really digging into the Baronship's pockets! Far too costly to repair and maintain, might I suggest taking such an Honour away from them?" The Baron sighed. "Oh very well, very well. It makes no difference to me." And at that, the Baron wafted his hand. The orderly left a notice for all high ranking guardsmen to see... Household Sashes To Be RETURNED! Drop ye Sashes at the Baron's Desk! Baronship Council Title: Re: Household Sashes Withdrawn! Post by: Kal/Mathew on August 27, 2005, 03:38:51 am Who are the 'ell der ye thin' yer are tellen the Baron wha' ta der? Ye need ta be brought ou' an' be beaten fer tha'. Ef nay one will der ye better nay le' meh see ye fer I will der et meh self. Nay one tells the Baron wha' ta der bu' 'is on wife ef 'e 'ad one.
*Signed* Regular Scout: Kal ShadowHand (http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/6255/kalshadowhand9hb.jpg) |