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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Drachir on August 27, 2005, 08:43:46 am

Title: Off for a few.
Post by: Drachir on August 27, 2005, 08:43:46 am
Im bit confused about the following weekend up until monday, Im gong down to my Uncle's on the south coast for the weekend and he may or may not let me put UO onto his computer...

If he does ill be on as normal tonight and the following nights, not as much though in the afternoons and mornings. If he doesnt well Ill just have to wait till monday night to play, and i guess that's not too bad  ;)

Turrah Everyone for the time being!

Title: Re: Off for a few.
Post by: Gregor Eason on August 27, 2005, 11:27:28 am
Take it easy mate!