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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on August 27, 2005, 12:56:18 pm

Title: Graveyard Patrol
Post by: Raiden Morana on August 27, 2005, 12:56:18 pm
*Raiden sits disgruntled to write his first report for the Militia*

Lead :
James Moris, Guardsman Recruit.

Attended :
Raiden Morana, Guardsman Recruit.
Marcus Chylde, Guardsman Recruit.
Layla, Guardsman Recruit.
Kaito Kajima, Guardsman Recruit.

I had not seen any of my fellows since becoming a recruit, so this morning I made my way to the barracks to request my duty.

I came across a patrol led by Guardsman Recruit James Moris and was quickly told to fall in.

We headed to the graveyard *shivers* *the dead should remain dead mutters Raiden*. The patrol fought bravely and swiftly overcame it's unholy foes.

Under orders we swiftly captured a building within the graveyard and while I myself guarded the door Patrol Leader James Moris drilled my fellows in basic formations.

We again came under attack and I led our charge out of the building to slay our foes a second time.

In the heat of battle I took a blow from comrade James Moris.

I clattered him with the flat of my blade. "Strike me again and I'll knock you down". I cried with my blood up!

He claimed I came between him and a foe - Pah!

I KILL .. er fight for Cove - Undead, Kaldorians and Vesperians *spits* will my blade taste in the service of the Militia.

Our foes defeated we headed back to Barracks. A cowardly counter-attack by some ghostly apparitions cost my fellow Kaito Kajima his armour but we arrived back at the Barracks in good order.

I believe we took over 3000 gold pieces in loot - I donated my booty of 500 to Cove as did some of my fellows.

As my fellows and I were all raw recruits no-one volunteered to scribe this report, so our patrol leader ordered me to do it ... "Bah maybe I should have shown him the blade of my sword, not the flat of it".

I regret there are no drawings of our patrol. Tis bad enough a swordsman must write *mumbles and not many can* a damn report. Though I shall do better next time.

Raiden Morana, Guardsman Recruit.
In the service of Cove.

Title: Re: Graveyard Patrol
Post by: Ahmed on August 27, 2005, 02:20:00 pm
Good report Morana, however next time try to include some sketches. Nevertheless,  grand one to start off your career!

Grenadier Sergeant Maktoum,
Cove Militia & Cove Administration

Title: Re: Graveyard Patrol
Post by: Samuel West on August 27, 2005, 07:15:53 pm
*Thomas comes muttering to the board*

Oi! Ye missed me off tha' list. *Grumbles*


Guaerdsman recruit Thomas Sendrich

Title: Re: Graveyard Patrol
Post by: Raiden Morana on August 27, 2005, 08:58:29 pm
*hangs head in shame*

Sorry comrade.

The action was fast - i did not mean to forget thee.

*grumbles - damn report*