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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Killian on August 28, 2005, 06:07:21 am

Title: Fresh from Yew - results of 3rd Yewish Games
Post by: Killian on August 28, 2005, 06:07:21 am
OOC note: this report is blatantly stolen from the Guardsmen Militia board :)

The results of the 3rd Yewish games are in. This time the games where cause for controversy on multiple occasions, and tears of both joy and sadness where shed by some of the entrants.

It was a decent turn out again, with around 15 total entering.

The Events and results are as follows:

The Log role:
As so many showed up for the log role it had to be split into two qualifying rounds and a final. The top three in both qualifying round advanced into the final, where the top three from that where awarded the points. Sadly I neglected to mark down the winners of the qualifying races, however the final ended with these three men on top:
1st Nav
2nd Grief (a Covian guardsmen)
3rd Hawk


Bull dog was more straight forward, little can be said expect the results where:
1st Nav
2nd Grief
3rd Leo

It looked good for Covian commander Eason in this event, he was on track to pick up points as he dropped fighter after fighter, the Yewish saw this though and converged on him. Taking him down quickly and neutralizing the threat. Nav was next to followed by Sward. The first upset of the night happened next when Hawk yield and Natalie won the event. Results are:
1st Natalie
2nd Hawk
3rd Sward

Cross country run:
Finding a local crafter I asked him to start the race for me while I waited at the finish line to declare the results. Natalie took the event again with a clear win of over 5 seconds. Second place proved the second controversy of the night when Leo and Nav appeared to cross the line at the same time. It was however, after several moments of conversing with a citizen who stopped to watch decided Leo had had a trailing leg, thus Nav was given second place.
1st Natalie
2nd Nav
3rd Leo

Archer Contest:
Three groups of three where made, each group would take three shots and the top score from them would pass into the final. The groups where as follows:

Group 1 = Grief, Nunk, Leo

Controversy struck again as the footman took the group, knocking out a marksmen with almost double his score.

Group 2 = Erik Arkay, Navaska, Garand

Arkay took the group with ease.

Group 3 = Hawk, Eason, Ahmed

Hawk took the group with a relatively low score.

Final = Hawk, Leo, Erik Arkay

Erik takes the group with ease. Hawk sneaks into last place.
1st Erik
2nd Leo
3rd Hawk

Fishing contest:
Everyone was poor in this round, except Natalie who was able to pull up 5 small fish and take first place once more.
1st Natalie
2nd Nunk
3rd Nav

Scores at the end of the games where:

Natalie 9
Nav 9
Grief 5
Leo 4
Nath 4
Erik 3
Nunk 2
James 1
Rest 0

Natalie and Nav took joint gold and 10,000 crowns each
Grief took silver and 5000
Nath (for the second games running) and Leo took bronze and 1000 crowns eeach

Thank you for all who took part, and well done to the winners!