Title: Rescuing Dellamona's Father - 5.15pm GMT, Sunday 23/01/05 Post by: Gregor Eason on January 23, 2005, 05:25:06 pm When: 5.15pm GMT, Sunday.
Meet: Outside Cove Barracks. Bring: Bandages, Heavy Arms, and Armor. Scouts have located the kidnappers of Dellamona's Father, Jarneal, in a small house in Yew. It is unsure whether the man is dead or alive, but we must take to chance that he lives on. For Della... Commander Eason Title: Re: Rescuing Dellamona's Father - 5.15pm GMT, Sunday 23/01/05 Post by: Gregor Eason on January 23, 2005, 11:37:36 pm He was nay retrieved. I fear that his life may already be at an end.
Dellamona, I am so deeply sorry... |