Title: A Pilgrimmage to Justice Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on August 28, 2005, 04:05:34 pm *Erik closes the gates behind him and steps out of Cove*
Aah! Father Hugo commanded me to go on a pilgimmage to the Shrine of Justice and by the Avatar that's what I'll do! The Avatar knows that I have sinned in the past weeks. Well....We better set on our way and it doesn't help to be grumpy about it! (http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/3733/departure6me.jpg) *Erik struggles a little bit with his boots but finaly removes them and walks off in the direction of the road* Bloodi guardsmen! Walkin' off when they shouldn't! Not healin' comrades! Bribin' and cheatin'! *Erik mumbles and curses for quite a while before he finaly concentrates on the journey ahead* (http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/254/unworthy1wu.jpg) *After a long hike and a few blisters on the feet Erik arrives at the Yew/Minoc/Britain crossroads* *Erik peers at the signs* Blimey! Why on earth didn't I learn how to read? (http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/8408/crossroads7sw.jpg) Bah! I'll go ask around in the guardpost. Someone is bound to know the way to Yew there! (http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/4815/guardpost3hz.jpg) Luckaly the good healers pointed me in the right direction. But I'm starting to be mighty tired! Better find a place to stay! (http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/577/lockeddoors8pv.jpg) Pah! Not openin' their doors for a Covian! Mark my words I'd burn this lot down if I wasn't pressed for time and rest! I better make some kind of emergency camp and cook me some food. *Erik sets up camp but tries in vain to get a campfire going* (http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/1146/camp9wq.jpg) Bah! To bed with an empty stomach then! This pilgrimmage is turnin' out to be far less of a leasurely hike then I first thought! *The night sets and Erik wakes up with a stomach growling and protesting like an old hag. Nevertheless he starts off again on his journey until he is waylaid by a hideous looking troll guarding a crossing* (http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/1401/bridge2ze.jpg) Bah! A foul smellin' carcass! All that meat and too disgustin' to eat! *Erik spots a chicken running into a guardpost* Here little chicky! Here, Here! (http://img278.imageshack.us/img278/8085/catchchicken7cy.jpg) Bah! Too fast for me! Perhaps I'll find some food in Yew! *Erik continues his journey and finally arrives in Yew completely exhausted, blistered and hungy enough to battle an Ancient Wyrm over his food* Right! You there! Where's this Shrine so I can get some grub and rest! Shrine? You mean the Shrine of Justice? Oh it's quite a while from here! Way, way back northeast! (http://img278.imageshack.us/img278/7206/inyew5lj.jpg) *After a while Erik find himself in the thick of the woods and completely lost* Bah! I'm sure that Yewsman intentionnaly pointed me in the wrong direction! Heretics! Infidels! Heathens! Blasphemers! Hang 'em the lot o' 'em! (http://img278.imageshack.us/img278/4764/lost4ur.jpg) *Finally Erik spots a monk who seems to wander aimlessly in the woods. Calmly and with much respect he asks him the directions to the Shrine of Justice* (http://img278.imageshack.us/img278/764/directions2vd.jpg) *With the help of the friendly monk Erik finally arrives at his destination* (http://img278.imageshack.us/img278/7368/shrine7xn.jpg) *After a small prayer and hommage to the Avatar, Erik confesses his sins to the Avatar and asks for his redemption* (http://img278.imageshack.us/img278/6796/guardsmen4gd.jpg) Now then! Off to find food and shelter! I feel like I can eat a whole cow and sleep for a week! *Erik walks out of the Shrine and into the wild* Title: Re: A Pilgrimmage to Justice Post by: Ahmed on August 28, 2005, 04:51:38 pm Good work apprentice! I hope you're all cleansed and whatnot!
Grenadier Sergeant Maktoum, Cove Militia & Cove Administration Title: Re: A Pilgrimmage to Justice Post by: Hugo on August 28, 2005, 05:30:33 pm (http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/8214/1st0ql.png)