Title: Hunt To the Orc Fort Post by: Hoagie on August 30, 2005, 12:47:58 pm "...Mm... .. . ... Children Pie... .. " I mumbled as I slept.
In burst the Grenedier Sergeant Ahmed Al Maktoum, and slapped me out of my slumber. "Get outside, ye lazy oaf, we goin' ter the Orc Fort te kick some arse!" Staggering outside I saw Recruit Thomas Sendrich waiting in line, and we were promtply marched down to the Orc Fort. As we went inside we were surrounded by lesser orcs, and an orc brute, quickly removing the small orcs, we focused on the brute, bringing him down with teamwork and good X-Healing. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/Crimefish/James%20Stuff/orcfort2.jpg) We forces our way to the south docks, taking out many brutes and other nasties along the way, and then returned the way we came in. We took down one more brute for good measure then made our way home with a little over 10000 crowns to show for it. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/Crimefish/James%20Stuff/orcfort1.jpg) Title: Re: Hunt To the Orc Fort Post by: Ahmed on August 30, 2005, 02:21:48 pm Good work Garand, good healing from both of you. Quite impressed, keep it up.
Grenadier Sergeant Maktoum, Cove Militia & Cove Administration |