Title: Black Magic - COMPLETED Post by: Gregor Eason on August 31, 2005, 08:18:40 am Deep in the Orc Fort lie the befouled Orc Magi, whose grasp of Black Magic has the power to overwhelm the strongest of men. The intelligence of the Orc Horde, they are. And thus, a Duty is drawn to seek out these wicked folk, and to see Justice be done.
Hunt down the Orc Magi that reside in the Fort. See that their heads are separated from their bodies. And gather some of the mysterious Black Pearl they carry with them. Perhaps in the essence of this darkness, may some secret be understood. Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council This Duty may only be organised and led by a Watchman or above. Tasks * Venture into the Orc Fort, slaying at least ten Orc Magi. * Collect five Black Pearl from their corpses. Conditions * Only Watchmen or above may organise and lead this Duty, though all other ranks may attend. * At least two guardsmen must take part in this Duty. * A FULL report, with paintings, must be posted below in this thread. Title: Re: Black Magic Post by: Darath Mithar on September 04, 2005, 06:06:23 pm Take this task i shall.
*Signed* Darath Mithar Title: Re: Black Magic Post by: Darath Mithar on September 06, 2005, 10:38:17 pm Report: Black Magic
I gathered some Guardsmen together to storm the orc fort and slaughter the foul, corrupt mages within! The assembled group included some wytc… err magic users, which made me a bit nervous, thinking that the orc witchery would be able to turn them quickly onto their side! *Grunts* (http://img334.imageshack.us/img334/1161/blackmagic15zq.jpg)(http://img334.imageshack.us/img334/7389/blackmagic47ni.jpg) But moved out we did anyway and soon where met with reinforcements. (http://img334.imageshack.us/img334/3841/blackmagic29kc.jpg) Still wary about the mages in our group I ordered them to stick together with the archers at the back, so that the real fighters could get on with the killing without interruptions. (http://img334.imageshack.us/img334/9636/blackmagic39hr.jpg) I lead the first sweep of the orc encampment, quickly homing in on any mages foolish enough to try an skirmish with our heavily armed convoy. (http://img334.imageshack.us/img334/5408/blackmagic56pd.jpg) Regrouping at the docks I gathered the strange black pearls from the company before starting on the second sweep of the fort. (http://img334.imageshack.us/img334/4340/blackmagic64bu.jpg) This time the search was more rigorous. I ordered a searching of the barrels knowing dam right that cowardly magic users love to hide in the face of danger! Just as we thought they where all clear one jumped out and attacked us and was quickly put to death *Grunts* Always hiding mages are. (http://img334.imageshack.us/img334/1829/blackmagic70cq.jpg) Had a bit of trouble with a recruit losing his bottle which was quickly rectified (http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/2715/blackmagic99te.jpg) Finally we moved to the entrance where we spotted an Orc Brute, that had clearly been waiting for us. Using my tactical knowledge again, i sent a magic wielding recruit as bait to lure it into out formation. The tactic worked to perfection, and soon the Brute’s corpse was lying in pieces at our feet. (http://img334.imageshack.us/img334/9563/blackmagic89ar.jpg) A tactically sound cleansing of the Orc Fort if I do say so myself, with a number of the strange pearls for your testing Commander. (http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/5377/blackmagicfinal9iu.jpg) Orc Mages Slain: More than enough to get them running for the barrels! Strange Pearls Collected:19 (http://img314.imageshack.us/img314/8671/blackmagic101og.jpg) Lead: Darath Mithar Present: Raiden Morena, Watchman Jenifer Feather, Watchman Beblith Morathi, Recruit Kiran, Recruit Seamus, Recruit Ahmed Al Maktoum, Sergent Veldrin Ni’harel, Corperal *Signed* Darath Mithar Title: Re: Black Magic Post by: Gregor Eason on September 06, 2005, 10:44:21 pm Excellent work, Junior Mithar!
That's how the job's done. Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council |