Title: Joey's Heroic Efforts (Part 2) Post by: Joey Lanai on August 31, 2005, 10:54:19 pm Joey's Heroic Efforts
"Never Fear, Joey's Here !" Today when Joey had strolled back to the barracks after self claiming he had defeated the Vesperian army by himself, he stumbled across a woman. "Oh.. if you could prove yourself to me fair sir, i will reward you !" The woman said, and Joey being the idiot he is, set himself the task of proving his worth to the strange woman. "Now.. wha' do i 'ave t'do.." Joey thought to himself as he strolled towards the moongate, what does any hero have to do to win the woman? ofcourse ! you kill the bad guy ! ... but who was the bad guy? where would there be anything enough for the Junior Guardsman's ego? Joey stumbled through the moongate aimlessly before ending up in the shrine of Honor, he marched on down the valley path with a bright smile on his face, he was sure to win the ladies over this time ! ... or so he thought. He came across a man and a woman, bravely fighting their way through a horde of beasts, Joey being the self proclaimed Hero that he is leapt into the battle after all beasts had been killed except one, Joey was lucky enough to best the beast by getting in the final blow, the two warriors looked at Joey, they were exhausted from the battle, Joey had just ruined their great battle. "Dont worry civvies, i know ye didnt ask me t'save ye bu' i's jus' doin' me job !", Joey said to them, as they arched their eyebrows at him and walked off in a huff, Joey wasnt down hearted though, in his eyes he had done the right thing, another Heroic deed for the Junior Guardsman of Cove. He continued on through deserts and harsh wastelands before entering an open area where huge demons and elementals surrounding it, Joey, without thinking leapt into battle with the beasts ! (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//joeyscoming.JPG) Joey's Artistic impressions of what happened He smashed and bashed his way at the beast who nearly tore his armour apart with its bare hands, but Joey managed to survive and claim victory for himself ! (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//kill.JPG) Another day done, another pointless quest completed, another inflamation of Joey's Ego. (If you enjoyed this story, here's another for you all to read - Joey's Heroic Efforts Part 1) http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,1454.0.html |