Title: Raven Winter Post by: Scarlett De Veil on January 24, 2005, 11:12:44 am Name...Raven Winter
Race...Human Profession...Monk Age...40's Alignment...Lawfull/Good Raven was born in Minoc. While those around him spent their time studying swordsmanship or learning the main local trade of mining and blacksmithing, Raven spent his time deep in study of the virtues. Spending many hours reading old books on things such as faith and the higher being. He also spent much time in the local healers building, helping out if he could or praying over the sick and dieing. Raven soon left Minoc to spread the word of the virtues and wandered to many places. He stood at the gates of Trinsic and studied books in the library of Spiritwood. Preached in the streets of Skara Brea and wandered the lands of Felucca working as a healer and saving any souls he could in those terrible lands of evil and filth. Raven is truly obsessed with all things religious, the term fanatic fits him very well. He believes all that are against the one true faith should either be burned at the stake or beheaded. He has no time to hear anyone else’s views on religion as he is sure that his faith is the right one. He can often be found trying to convince people that his way is holy and good, ever vigilant of a would be damned soul to save! Now he settles in Cove after hearing about the gathering of the faithful in the town. And so finally he is not alone in his faith. |