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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Kiran on September 05, 2005, 12:58:39 am

Title: A hunt...with a twist?
Post by: Kiran on September 05, 2005, 12:58:39 am
As I was asked to write this report then asked too not write it I got too wonder if they really thought i was the crazy one or this was just what they did too all new recruits, thats right Kiran *Makes a little heart next to the picture*

*Starts too giggle very quietly kissing the book*

Where was I at? Yes. So I thought this much be a trick to see if I was on my feet so here I am now writing this... aye, writing that i am writing this... or was it. Wait a minute.. I am writing that i am wr...   Right! Anywho, we were all called outside by the corporal Veldrin who seemed too have had an earlier accident... you idiot it was a ambush! *Scribbles something sounding like an apology too himself*

As we lined up suddenly a sergeant came and had some... hasty words with the Corporal sending her back up too the barracks. The Sergeant which has now taken over the line quickly starts too give us orders and then orders us too go too covetitiously... or such a dungeon. Far away might I add!

*Starts to poke the lantern on the table giggling quitly too himself...* "Hot!...* *Giggles*

So he opend a...

*Licks his lips as he watches his book muttering too himself*

"What should I call it, Sir?..."
*Punches his own shoulder hard grunting*
*Hits himself hard on the shoulder*
"You idiot Kiran, Don't bleeding mention it!"
"Ouch.... r.. right Sir!"..
*Continues too write the report sniffling back a tear.*

As we ventured through the sphere... *Seems some smear has been added too the page from a shaky hand* we came out into some forest...ishly place with lots of birds and such animals you read about... and see!
So into this dungeon like thing we went lead by the Sergeant Arc as i learned his name was... somehow.

*Slaps up some paintings which he crudely drawn with his under used artistic skills...*


*Giggles as he watches the pictures....*
"You idiot Kiran!!..."
"S... sorry Sir, accident!
"Hmmm.... we'll see...."

So these pictures mm show us entering the... dungeon... and ummm then quickly being... "sphered" out of it... or such I would guess its the correct... vocabulary?...

And seems that the Sergeant mmm Ahmed was having a bit of a bother with people from.. Vesper? Must be it... And mmm we took them down and urrr jailed them *Makes an arrow which goes up too the pictures* As you can see...

And ummm... I think that was all that happend...

*Looks at the report and smiles proudly, suddenly punches himself*
"O..ouch! w..what was that for?!"
"Remember too write who attented you idiot!"
"S...sorry Sir!"

*Scribbles quickly on the end*


Arcane Sergeant, Arc.
Regular Arcanist, Julius Estory.
Juniour scout, Drachir
Guardsman recruit, Hito
Guardsman recruit, Kiran.

*Signs quickly*

Kiran, Guardsman recruit.

Title: Re: A hunt...with a twist?
Post by: Ahmed on September 05, 2005, 01:11:48 am
Exceptional report to get you started off, keep them coming and don't get eaten by Pandas! You may just make it to the next rank!

Grenadier Sergeant Maktoum,
Cove Militia & Cove Administration

Title: Re: A hunt...with a twist?
Post by: Kiran on September 05, 2005, 01:13:31 am
I heard of them Panda's sir... *Nods* Tricky blighters them are!

Title: Re: A hunt...with a twist?
Post by: Julius Estory on September 05, 2005, 02:38:31 am
*Stands glaring at the report*
*tilts head and steps back a bit, studying the words*
*walks closer again and then steps back again*

Tha... makes no sense... *shakes head and blinks*
*turns his head upside-down*
Oh... I see now!

Damn fine work!

But wha are those erh... *turns around again*

Oh... Drawings!
Nicely done!
Keep em comming recruit!