Title: Mela's Ransom - 7.45pm GMT, Monday 24/01/05 Post by: Gregor Eason on January 24, 2005, 07:11:54 pm When: 7.45pm GMT, Monday
Meet: Outside Cove Barracks Bring: Heavy Arms, Armor, and Bandages. Last eve Mela, one of our beloved children of Cove, was kidnapped from inside our own borders by a gang that call themselves "The Black Caste". They have agreed to allow her ransom of ten thousand gold crowns, meeting us not far from the Trinsic moongate. This is very close to our Kaldorian and Drow enemies, though I believe the gang are independent of these forces. The Black Caste have made several demands; * When meeting them, nay arms are to be drawn. * Nay scouts are to be hiding in the trees. * A sum of ten thousand gold pieces is to be paid for the life of the child, Mela. Let us bring Mela back home, safe and sound. Commander Eason Title: Re: Mela's Ransom - 7.45pm GMT, Monday 24/01/05 Post by: Gregor Eason on January 25, 2005, 02:41:17 am Mission successful. Mela is now back in Cove.