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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Cor Ari Ta on September 06, 2005, 05:13:49 am

Title: I have returned ta meh 'ome ta Stay
Post by: Cor Ari Ta on September 06, 2005, 05:13:49 am
After meh lon' Journeh I 'ave come 'ome, Twas a pleasure ta see the Coveian Shire once more, Bu' meh leaving was a mus' fer meh friens were at stake an' I nay wan'ed them ta 'ave ta deal wit meh problems from the past, They awlreadeh 'ad enough o' thar own ta worry abou'. Meh journies too' meh ta distant lands an' new People ta see an meet as well. Twas a loneleh journeh bu' I dealt wit et a pushed on keepen ahead o' meh enemies. Bu' alass them did catch up wit meh an' one by one them fell at meh feet.

I then set ou' once more 'open tha' et was finished an' as I 'ave expected et was nay over. The riders cought up nay lon' after I dispatched the first group o' men tha' tried ta take meh back ta Illshenar fer punishment for goin' against the Tribe. The same tribe tha' left meh fer dead till Kal stepped en. I awlways 'oped ta return the favore fer 'is actions tha' day. Maybe one day I will bu' fer now I 'ad ta move on. The riders 'ad a nasteh Black giant spider wit them them called et Black Venom, I called et (Dead Bug)
an' them nay loiked tha' fer them set et loose an' I onleh 'ad one choice, an' tha' was ta make meh stand fer them Riders was nay a brave bunch. The spider came on fast bu' meh trainen seen tha' I was able to dodge 'is firs' few attacks. Et seemed tha' evereh attack et made was awlways changen loik 'e was learnen from watchen meh, I foinaleh foun' meh striken point an' went fer et, I ran an' jumped 'igh en the air an' came down on top placen the point o' meh Kryss ien the middle o' et's eyes.

The Struggle was emmence et flogged aroun' loik a chicken wit et's 'ead cut orf, an' et foinalleh made et's las' move, one I was nay expecten, et lunged at meh sinken ets fan's deep enta meh showlder and releaced et's venom. The riders seen tha' an' said tha' I was done fer then the leader gave the order ta return 'ome at once. Well they did indeed leave an' I was layen thar wit green liquid oozen ou' o' meh showlder an' en great pain I coul' nay move. The onleh thin' I coul' thin' abou' at tha' toim was tha' meh friens woul' be same fron them an' tha' I accomplished wha' I set ou' ta der an' tha' was to protect meh FRIENS.

I layed thar wha' seemed loik 'ours when an ol' man an' 'is youn'en came upon meh, they put meh on thar 'and cart an' took meh ta the nearest 'ealer where the Venom foinalleh taken full effect till I passed ou' ta die. When I foinalleh awoke I was en a strange place, This place was nay a rich one bu' a moderate furnished 'ome. I sat up and the pain returned once again an' this man walked en an' told meh nay move fer the venom coul' nay be removed awl the way.

Et seemed loik weeks when I was foinalleh able ta ge' up an walk, I was still week from the venom an' meh roit arm was still numb, I coul' bearly move et at awl. A few more days wen' by when I 'ad a visit from the 'ealer tha' saved meh loif,, 'e told meh tha' et will be a lon' toim when I will 'ave the full use en meh arm again an' tha' when i coul' use et again tha' et will still give meh problems fer the venom 'ad done more tha' 'e 'ad 'oped et 'adn't.

Bu' ta make this short an' sweet Commander I will be readeh fer duteh soon I 'ope tha' I still be welcone.

          Junior Guardsman: Cor'Ari Ta


Title: Re: I have returned ta meh 'ome ta Stay
Post by: Drachir on September 06, 2005, 07:33:22 am
Y'arrr!!! Welcome back Cor! Ye' been away so long I caught up with ye'! *cackles*

Glad te' see another Scout back amidst our ranks!

Title: Re: I have returned ta meh 'ome ta Stay
Post by: Ahmed on September 06, 2005, 09:32:04 am
Good to see you back and right on your duty Cor'Ari Ta. Just this time don't bloody leave like that, especially on such a short notice!! Good to have you back!

Grenadier Sergeant Maktoum,
Cove Militia & Cove Administration

Title: Re: I have returned ta meh 'ome ta Stay
Post by: Cor Ari Ta on September 06, 2005, 03:22:25 pm
'ello thar Ser Ahmed I see ye made et enta the Grenadiers an' a Sergeant at tha'. T'is goo' ta be back an' ope ta be readeh soon ta resume meh dutehs. This wound I 'ave was caused by one o' them Giant Black Spiders an meh arm still be numb from et.

              Junior Guardsman: Cor'Ari Ta


Title: Re: I have returned ta meh 'ome ta Stay
Post by: Tweeso Pebble on September 07, 2005, 07:34:12 pm
Just In time... Well If  you want It to sound special. Otherwise... Good to have you back on duties.

Scout Corporal Valiro Gryphonclaw

Title: Re: I have returned ta meh 'ome ta Stay
Post by: Althalus on September 07, 2005, 09:11:15 pm
Good to see ye back Mayhap the scouts will keep growing again now