Title: Feed the Militia! - Cancelled Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on September 06, 2005, 09:06:13 am When: Cancelled due to Regular Lanai's hunt still being in progress
Where: Barracks Bring: Battlegear, Skinning knife/Butcher knife, Good spirits! Detail: Hunger and famine strikes within the Militia! Battling tiresome with many foes has left guardsmen craving for more food! And what could be more wholesome and filling then a nice big juicy dragonsteak? In order to acquire all the meat the Militia needs we'll be slaying Dragons till they stack all around us! [ooc: Hunger once again affects your character and you become hungry faster then before. If we get enough we could keep everyone's needs satisfied for a while. This is also only the first part, collect the meat. If a few helpful peasants chip in we can make a grand barbecue event at a later time where we actually cook the entire lot.] |