Title: A Joey kind of hunt - Wednesday 7:00pm (GMT) (07-09-05) Post by: Joey Lanai on September 07, 2005, 01:16:19 am Another Joey Hunt !
"Hoo hah !" That's right folks, its time for another hunt with Joey Lanai ! This weeks Joey's heading to the Land of Ilshenar to tackle some of the most deadly creatures in the land on another quest of Heroism, Rumour has it there is a temple hidden in the deepest depths of this demonic valley, its our job to find it ! This weeks Target is... (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//123.JPG) The Ferocious Demon spawn ! Rally at the Barracks for 7:00pm (GMT) to join in the fun ! *Signed* - Joey S. Lanai, Regular Guardsman Title: Re: A Joey kind of hunt - Wednesday 7:00pm (GMT) (07-09-05) Post by: Joey Lanai on September 07, 2005, 05:57:13 pm 20 Minutes, Gather at the Barracks !