Title: Idea Time - Create your own events Post by: Joey Lanai on September 07, 2005, 01:41:44 pm Create your own events
Alright people, now you all know how events work and we want to know your idea's. Now we're aware there are some of you out there that only want to do what their promotion requirements ask of them, but im sure there are some of you out there with the will to do more, to aid us in the activity or Cove and get more fun filled roleplaying events running. I have an idea, but i dont know how to Implement it, What do i do? If you have an idea for an event and your not sure on how to go about it, feel free to contact myself on 177-280-965 (Arc/Joey) and we'll get it running. What do i benefit from this? You'll be helping in the activity of the whole guild, its fun to lead exciting events that everyone enjoy and who knows, good idea's may lead to possitive recomendations for promotion. ---- Events, Plotlines, Hunts, anything you feel you want to lead but arent sure let me know, whatever rank you are IC. I'm waiting for your idea's ;) - Arc |