Title: Questioning the Drow Post by: Tweeso Pebble on September 08, 2005, 11:14:25 pm After the rescue the Drow that was captured started to questioning. First It seemed very impossible until Julius Eastory showed her some good Arcane powers , she became tame as a kitten!
Anyway. We did question with many clever questions. She was blabbering about a peasant. - The purpose of the Capturing of Eason was couse your guardsmen said they didn't care about the peasants in Cove! This was of course only nonesense but anyway.. The questioning carried on and more and more came out. After a while we seemd abit stuck again. Ordentheous showed up from the orders of the Commander. He was told to question the drow as he did. He did aid us getting very good information from the drow. - The drow was a spy from Von'Sah , an Assasin. She got ordered that If she was taken captive she would assasinate the Baron. - She also told us that Kaldor would gladly help the dutchy of Trinsic to strike against Von'Sah which they saw as a threat. Thi-s was very interesting. (http://img388.imageshack.us/img388/5301/drow22nf.gif) Signed* Scout Corporal Valiro Gryphonclaw Title: Re: Questioning the Drow Post by: Ahmed on September 09, 2005, 12:50:54 am Hm, some very interesting points raises this evening. We'll have to take it all under consideration, it's valuable material.
Grenadier Sergeant Maktoum, Cove Militia & Cove Administration |