Title: What's Raiden missing??? Post by: Raiden Morana on September 09, 2005, 11:06:42 pm Apart from a personality :) Ahem *coughs*
Now I now you guys will probably tell me to check out uo.stratics but ... I want to know what you all suggest for a RP militiaman. Raiden's skills are looking like this: Swordsmanship 94 (100) Anatamy 93 (100) Tactics 93 (100) Healing 80 (85?) do i only need 85 to have a fair chance to rez? Parrying 69 (100) do i take this all way to GM? Resist 71 (100) Magery 37 (??) i only want enough to get around easily??? My cap is 710 er i think :) So what should I add for a good RP warrior? I was thinking of poisioning??? Is it ok for a militiaman to use poisioned weapons. Let me have your suggestions. Cheers, Raiden. Title: Re: What's Raiden missing??? Post by: Ahmed on September 09, 2005, 11:16:56 pm Not sure what you would use poisoning work, since you're a swordsman. Plus you need to be in the LC to use poisoning as of now. You can drop the magery to 0 since you can get around without it using recall scrolls. If you got moolah, beef up on swordsmanship/parrying and possibly tactics or anatomy. Although swords/parry are the initial things you need to increase. Not too sure about the resist, you could drop that and go for GM lumberjacking, gives a wonderful boost for axers, bloody deadly. I'll comment more when I'm awake. ;)
Title: Re: What's Raiden missing??? Post by: John Dell on September 09, 2005, 11:34:49 pm If you want to get more in parry, go to the sheeps in yew, maybe u already knew that? I miss those sheeps... :D
Title: Re: What's Raiden missing??? Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on September 10, 2005, 10:15:50 am If you're going for the hardass fighter style:
110 swords 110 parry 100 anatomy 100 tactics 100 focus 100 lumberjacking 90 healing Get the ornate axe and whoop everyone's ass You forgot Focus....If you want to do any serious damage you need mana regen for at least more then 1-2 specials in a fight Title: Re: What's Raiden missing??? Post by: Joey Lanai on September 10, 2005, 06:29:27 pm You dont need magery to recall, just put them in a runebook and use the charges.