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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Odenetheus on September 10, 2005, 09:09:54 pm

Title: Conversion attempt I
Post by: Odenetheus on September 10, 2005, 09:09:54 pm
Last evening I set out to the grand city of Britain (not as grand as our own town of Cove, however) to convert the foul heathen living there.

I started out by proclaiming our virtuous message verbally at the bank, yet to no avail.


And so, I decided that perhaps the best way to reach the ignorant masses was to place out pamphlets of our holy message around the town, hoping that the unknowing heathens would read them. This did not go well either, since most of them didst not notice that I had placed them there.


My final resort was then to hand them out personally to the heretics who would not convert...


Once all had been tried, I ventured back to Cove for prayer and rest, and I decided to make a second attempt in the coming days.
