Title: Report: Cleansing of Deceit Post by: Jenifer Feather on September 10, 2005, 10:14:11 pm All available guardsmen were called to the barracks to help Father Odenetheus on a trip to cleanse an unholy shrine deep in the heart of deceit, after a quick *cough* warm up of a run around the barracks.. *cough* we were ready to start hacking our way to the shrine..
(http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/7124/deceit16rk.jpg) After a long trip of hacking and slashing the evil undead creatures that wandered the corridors we came to a bridge that crossed over some dark water, this must be the way to the shrine, we held the bridge for a while as waves of deadies attacked but decided the only way we were goin' ter get anyway was ter push forward.. (http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/213/deceit26qw.jpg) We arrived at theshrine, surrounded by skeleton wytches, we formed around the father and protected him as he cleansed the area of its wickedness and headed home ter safety. (http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/188/deceit35oe.jpg) Led by : Father Odenetheus Present: Joey, Regular Guardsman Erik Arkay, Junior Guardsman Jenifer Fether, Watchman Garand, Watchman Melody Songbird, Guardsman Recruit Delcarakdur, Guardsman Recruit All gold was given as tithe to the church.. Title: Re: Report: Cleansing of Deceit Post by: Ahmed on September 11, 2005, 01:10:04 pm A sounds report as always Watchman, I hope the "cleansing" went well!
Grenadier Sergeant Maktoum, Cove Militia & Cove Administration |