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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Jenifer Feather on September 10, 2005, 10:14:11 pm

Title: Report: Cleansing of Deceit
Post by: Jenifer Feather on September 10, 2005, 10:14:11 pm
All available guardsmen were called to the barracks to help Father Odenetheus on a trip to cleanse an unholy shrine deep in the heart of deceit, after a quick *cough* warm up of a run around the barracks.. *cough* we were ready to start hacking our way to the shrine..
After a long trip of hacking and slashing the evil undead creatures that wandered the corridors we came to a bridge that crossed over some dark water, this must be the way to the shrine, we held the bridge for a while as waves of deadies attacked but decided the only way we were goin' ter get anyway was ter push forward..
We arrived at theshrine, surrounded by skeleton wytches, we formed around the father and protected him as he cleansed the area of its wickedness and headed home ter safety.
Led by : Father Odenetheus
Present: Joey, Regular Guardsman
              Erik Arkay, Junior Guardsman
              Jenifer Fether, Watchman
              Garand, Watchman
              Melody Songbird, Guardsman Recruit
              Delcarakdur, Guardsman Recruit

All gold was given as tithe to the church..

Title: Re: Report: Cleansing of Deceit
Post by: Ahmed on September 11, 2005, 01:10:04 pm
A sounds report as always Watchman, I hope the "cleansing" went well!

Grenadier Sergeant Maktoum,
Cove Militia & Cove Administration