Title: Standing on the Threshold Post by: Simone Fairchild on September 13, 2005, 02:22:56 pm Standing at threshold between her Realm and another she glances for a final time at what she was leaving behind. Silent tears fall gently from her eyes. She wonders if her decision to begin a new life will be in her best interest. She shivers at the evil that seeks her and knows she has no choice. She never thought she would run from it. She is the illustrious leader of the House of Mystar whose homelands reside in Elyssia Vale. She did not obtain her position by being weak. Weakness is something Simone cannot abide in herself or in others. She has had to be strong for so many reasons, so many things that had to be overcome. So many men she had to prove her worth to and so many in society who laughed at her nobility which contained gypsy blood. Thoughts of her mother pass through her mind and she trembles with grief. How she had missed her these past years but it was her spirit that made Simone the woman that she was. She raised Simone to be a lady in public but very much a woman behind closed doors....and her father? A duke in his own right.....but it was that right that made him abandon her mother for what society deemed fitting for his station. These thoughts make Simone feel defeat but quickly she squares her shoulders and embraces herself for the steps she will now take. She looks down at her appearence and jumps. This will never do! She runs her hands over her smooth, elegant dress. She quickly braids her long, blonde hair and then chastens herself for not planning better. To start over I must begin at the bottom, she mutters to herself but her chin is quivering. No one can know who I am. I must become someone else I guess....she says softly.....the silver ring around her finger burns and she looks in the darkness for her protector that is magically bound to her ring. He is standing behind her....Simone jumps. Asharru! He puts a strong hand on her shoulder and feels her trembling form. Simone, you are a light unto the world that will never be extinguished. You may need to change your surroundings but you will always be the woman I have come to admire and respect. Simone is taken by surprise. They spend half of the time fighting over her head strong ways. She looks away from him trying to hide her feelings but the protector's ring gives her away. All her feelings pass from her through the magical bond they share and he feels her grief as if it is his own. How did you think you could manage leaving without me? He asks her. She raises her head and looks him in the eyes. I knew that I could not, she says matter of factly. You don't have to do this....he says softly. He will find me........she whispers. He may anyway, he returns. Simone sighs but quickly theres a new spark in her eyes. My dream Asharru...that is what pulls me forward. He is out there, I feel his spirit. I feel his strength and wisdom. Most of all I feel his heart. He thinks of me in the quiet recesses of his mind. Guiding me, leading me to him. I do not know who he is or what he looks like but I will know the moment our eyes meet. They meet me in my dreams each night. She pauses... I feel like a simpering fool and I cannot bare it. She stands up straight and whispers ever so soflty her trusted steeds name......Mystery......in moments he is there. She sings softly in his ear and the gift of her song grants him more speed and agility. She mounts him in lady like fashion already missing riding astride. She and Asharru clasp hands and together walk through the light....She looks over her shoulder every step of the way. Is it to see her homeland slip away? Or to see if the evil one follows her.......
On their arrival she goes to the inn and changes. Looking in the mirror at her appearence she is pleased in her leather leggings and top. With a sensual tilt to her eyes she moves her hands over her slim form and then quickly undoes her braids and lets loose her hair to fall in boundless waves about her hips. Some habits will be hard to break, she bites her bottom lip worredly. I hope I am up for the challenge she thinks to herself. Surely I wont have to do any back breaking labor....I am a woman afterall. I have never had a problem with men before she smiles triumphantly and I am sure I won't again. Anyways...I am here to find him she whispers....let the hunt begin and she smiles brilliantly. *ooc* I hope to start meeting members of the Cove community as I work my skills and learn the ways of the community. I have been gone from UO for a couple years but come from one of the best Role Playing guilds in the Lake Superior community. The rp community on ls is lacking and many have left. I have several accts there and very established but perhaps it is time for change. I have played Simone for 6 years and it is hard to change who she and I have become in the rp sense. I am looking forward to a great time remolding parts of her and hoping to enhance both your game play and mine in the process. My icq is 82627742. Let me know if there is anything I can do to assist you. Formally, Lady Simone Mystar of the House of Mystar. |