Title: Under Attack! Post by: Garak Nightchill on September 14, 2005, 12:19:14 am A badly wounded Guardsman slowly crawled from the tavern. He had walked towards it minutes earlier blissfully unaware of what awaited him. He had mounted the first couple of steps only to be confronted by two or three mysterious figures, reeking of death. Undead... Roland, hands resting on the hilts of his twin daijo, asked what their business was. A rasping voice announced they were seeking souls. Roldand surrepticiously eased the blades out of their scabbards. "You're what?" he asked, stalling for time. They made a rasping reply he couldn't quite make out though the hunger in their voices was unmistakable. They attacked and Roland, outnumbered, was struck down... Regaining consciousness, he began his crawl towards the town. There were citizens outside the gates and they needed warned before it was too late. Title: Re: Under Attack! Post by: Ahmed on September 15, 2005, 09:38:32 am Mounted deadies?! Now they're taking innocent animals along with their heathenous acts!
Grenadier Sergeant Maktoum, Cove Militia & Cove Administration Title: Re: Under Attack! Post by: Garak Nightchill on September 15, 2005, 11:39:10 am They weren't mounted sir. They claimed to be seeking soles but I didn't see them with any. Mayhaps they did their poaching afterwards?
Title: Re: Under Attack! Post by: Danichta on September 15, 2005, 02:02:48 pm I believe they was tryin' ter take me, but did nay quite get the chance. I hads a report writted up o'er on that Citizen Board.
O' yeah... theys said that... *gulp* They wanted me ter tell all of ye tha' the Guardian be stronger than e'er and ready fer a fight... |