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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Joey Lanai on September 18, 2005, 02:14:07 pm

Title: Joey & Ahmed's Travels in Tokuno
Post by: Joey Lanai on September 18, 2005, 02:14:07 pm
Travels in Tokuno
"Bloodi' Yellers..."

Joey stumbled out of his bunk and across the way into the Barracks, startling
the "working" Sergeant Maktoum.

Joey - "Sir sir ! i's jus' noticed we's nay explored tha' yeller land ye' !"

Ahmed - "So wha'? they're just yeller scum !"

Joey - "Well uh.. they's go' ale an' gold !"

Ahmed - "They do? Lets go !"

The two then set off on their adventure to the lands of Tokuno, before they knew
it they were at the moongate and stepped into it, walking aimlessly they found
the exit to Tokuno.

They stepped out and found themself in a vast jungle, odd looking runic stones
surrounded the moongate, were they cursed? They didnt seem to care and just
headed down the first path that came their way.


After a while of trailing down the road, they heard a rustle in a bush, the out of
no-where sprung a strangely clothed Ninja, the two battled the shifty foe for a while
before he disapeared, "Wha' the.." Joey said before he felt something tugging at his
kilt, they looked down, the man had turned into a wolf and was tugging at his kilt
with its teeth, the two men beat down the beast and strolled on.


The men continued on through the jungle, up ahead they could hear grunting and many
footsteps, the guardsmen readied their arms and prepared to fight, only to find a half
naked monk battling the surrounding beasts with his bare fists! This man was nothing
short of a madman.


After admiring the madmans martial arts they continued off the road now, and deeper
into the jungle, what other crazed folk would they encounted in these lands?

They made their way through the thick of the jungle until they found a strange looking
bird with wings, it was no bird ! it was one of the Hiryu's, the most fearsome beasts in Tokuno !


After defeating the beast they took a slow march home, their mission complete, two more
tokuno lands to explore, what will happen next? Keep your eyes on the boards !

 - Joey S. Lanai, Regular Guardsman