Title: Eason's Farewell Post by: Gregor Eason on September 18, 2005, 06:13:36 pm As Eason scribbled deftly across Militia Administration Logs, he felt weary. More weary than before..
His years in battle, his path through wilderness and war, had begun to near an Ending. The old Commander had been called out of retirement more than once, and had grown tired from the repetitive strain of both mind and body, continually required of a Covian Militia Officer. T'was time to move on... And thus, the Commander planned a date for his final Celebrations, his Final Farewell. Covian Prime Time: Eason's Farewell 7pm GMT, Sunday 18th September 2005 http://www.f4g.net/vb/showthread.php?t=108204 Title: Re: Eason's Farewell Post by: Gregor Eason on September 18, 2005, 06:57:57 pm Note: Ye may need to refresh the movie in order to have graphics and audio fully in sync.
The Commander's End: Part One (http://sugeworld.com/flash/170905/one.html) The Commander's End: Part Two (http://sugeworld.com/flash/170905/one.html) The Commander's End: The Finale (Coming Soon..) Thank you for a great ten months! I wish ye all the best! FOR COVE! http://cove.fantasyworld.nl (http://cove.fantasyworld.nl) Title: Re: Eason's Farewell Post by: Shadwell on September 18, 2005, 09:48:08 pm Shadwell looked down at the body.
Ye sure it's him? Ahmed asked. Ofcourse.. Who else! Covian uniform, and we ain't missin' any other Guardsmen Shadwell replied calmly. Ahmed was acting strange, but then again this day was a good day to act strange. I'll get Eben to preserve the body, 'till we can arrange the ceremony Both men nodded and left the room. Title: Re: Eason's Farewell Post by: Tweeso Pebble on September 19, 2005, 07:35:28 am Will be hard calling someone else Commander that I'd tell yer!
*Signed* Scout Corporal Valiro Title: Re: Eason's Farewell Post by: Samuel West on September 19, 2005, 08:43:14 am *Shakes head*
I' aint goin' ta be the same with ou' ya *Signed* Thomas Sendrich, Watchman Title: Re: Eason's Farewell Post by: Kal/Mathew on September 20, 2005, 09:19:02 pm Thar will be nayone tha' can fill Commander Easons Boots, 'e was a one o' a koind an' will forever be missed an' en our 'earts. Res' en peace Ser, we will one day ge' revenge fer ye.
*Signed* Regular Scout: Kal ShadowHand (http://img392.imageshack.us/img392/6334/kalshadowhand8vd.jpg) Title: Re: Eason's Farewell Post by: Khaelieth on September 21, 2005, 08:16:44 am Khaelieth stood by the statue of Eason, his fist clenched. The Yewians will pay he promised himself, his eyes ablaze. Valiro and he had easily taken down the marksman they had met. Oh yes, they would pay for this, even if it would be another bloody Yew campaign
Title: Re: Eason's Farewell Post by: userjosh5368 on September 21, 2005, 09:20:22 am After resently recovering from your leg incident you have fallen again for good.
No one can take yer place Avatar bless yer soul sir.*salutes* Title: Re: Eason's Farewell Post by: Jessica Hawkins on September 22, 2005, 08:36:22 am *Takes a deep breath before exhaling calmly*
May you rest in peace Good Mister Eason... You will be rememberd for the man you were, and not for what you did wrong... You will surley be missed.. *Forces a weak smile as she sheds a small tear* *Signed* Jessica Hawkins |