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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Odenetheus on September 20, 2005, 12:10:44 pm

Title: Thank you all
Post by: Odenetheus on September 20, 2005, 12:10:44 pm
Since I joined at the end of July, I have had tons of fun with you guys, and I am hoping that I will keep on having that.

To Arc: Argh, you're a very mean sergeant, and an excellent roleplayer - keep up the good work.

Grief: Bwahaha, I like your style.

Greystone: Oo... I like to scare you. I like your ship captain roleplay ideas.

Garand: Nice OOC comments, interesting character.

Kal: A good friend and good roleplayer.

Valiro: For being you, brother. :)

Octovious: I like your tantrums and your character as whole.

Veldrin: Got to admire your character. I have to admit that she is one of zhe best drows I've encountered on Uo so far. A shame to see her go.

And to the rest, whom I forgot to name, keep up the good work.

Odenetheus, Churchie mean guy