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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Grazgorn on September 27, 2005, 08:07:07 pm

Title: Report: Drill and Combat Training!
Post by: Grazgorn on September 27, 2005, 08:07:07 pm
Led by: Joey Lanai

Erik Arkay, Officer Cadet
Grazgorn, Guardsman Recruit
Joey Lanai, Regular Guardsman
Jenifer Feather, Watchman
Roland Dagorian, Guardsman Recruit
Julius Estory, Regular Arcanist
Kiran, Wathcman
Vince Valentine, Junior Guardsman
Dalamar, Guardsman Recruit
Darath Mithar, Junior Guardsman

Joe Lanai had called us to a drill training! We all gathered outside the barracks
to quickly move out to the docks where the training was to take place. Once
there, Joey began to build up an arena with bandages as borders. First he made an uncrossable bandage river, it could only be passed when Joey himself opened the bandage gate, but if any of us accidently walked in the river they would feel the smiting of Joey's hammer! The purpose of this training was to get over to the
other team's side then secure both sides. The team achieving this goal would be
the winners of that round, of course. Wins and losses were almost alike.
Then the river was made a labyrinth of terrible uncrossable bandages, crossing the bandages without teleporting or stealthing would once again result in a terrible bashing from Joey's hammer! The wins and losses were once again equal
between the two of the teams.
The labyrinth training was upgraded to an item fetching contest. Each team had a
nest of their own, with some armour parts of a complete set split up. By
attacking and dragging these parts into our own nest we would win. With the same rules applying, the fray was inevitable. With Dalamars team successfully gaining victory after victory!
The fray went on and on!

Some more fellow guardsmen then joined up, we now extended the arena and made three teams, all with the same goals... But Joey had a cunning plan how to make it even more difficult! He had made a nest of his own! With one single part of the armor... And to get it, you had to fight him! Cunning, cunning indeed! The
fray went on, seemingly, with no end! Everyone as ferocious as the other!
Lots and lots o' bashing!

At last we removed the labyrinth, made two nests and divided the three teams into two. The same goals as before... Once again the fray was on... Endless... Neither side budging!
Joey rebuilt the arena and dividing us into new teams.

After constantly knocking each other and further bruising one and another's eye,
the game had finally reached it's end! With the majority entirely exhausted the
training had truly fulfilled it's purpose!
Enough bashing of fellow guardsmen!

But Joey let us volunteer for one last event. A "last man standing" match. With
nay many participating the fight was a short one until there were only two brave
guardsmen left. Roland Dagorian and Julius Estory. After a long duel between them Julius finally stood alone in the arena!

And with that, Joey said the drill-training was finally over. And if we wanted we
could all have duels... Though I doubt anyone was very interested in that as
Vendril's training was to take place one hour after this extreme event! Meself
went to bad tired as the bear at fall!
Everyone sweaty as a lake, it was finally over... For the next hour or so...

Grazgorn, Guardsman Recruit

Title: Re: Report: Drill and Combat Training!
Post by: Joey Lanai on September 27, 2005, 10:06:57 pm
Good report there, the first of many i hope !

 - Joey

Title: Re: Report: Drill and Combat Training!
Post by: Julius Estory on September 27, 2005, 10:26:17 pm
Damn right I stood alone!
None to challenge me superiority anyway!


Good report Recruit!
Got the most important with in it!