Title: Train leaving from Legends to Europa! Post by: Jevonia on September 30, 2005, 01:13:56 pm I'm going to be buying the new 8th age game so i can use the character transfer, soul stone, free advanced character, & free 6th slot to transfer from legends shard to europa. So if anyone else has stuff there they want transfered to europa i can load my character up with it and give it you on europa. I havent played on legends for a long time, and dont really plan too since i play on atlantic and now europa. But i have 3-4 gm'ed characters there i can transfer one and load the stone with anothers skills i hoping?And its a shame to leave them there all lonely and unused. :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Train leaving from Legends to Europa! Post by: John Dell on September 30, 2005, 01:43:46 pm You can use ur soulstone when arrived in europe. What stuff you got? ;D
Title: Re: Train leaving from Legends to Europa! Post by: Jevonia on September 30, 2005, 03:33:28 pm But will my soulstone transfer to here? Someone said it doesn't? Anyway, most of my good stuff was already moved to here because a friend of mine transfered his charater to here and let me load my stuff with his a few months ago. But my post was refferring to if anyone else has stuff there...i can bring it along with my transfer for you. :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Train leaving from Legends to Europa! Post by: John Dell on September 30, 2005, 09:00:49 pm Oh right, but the souls sonte you get a code for, so you can put it in one of ur chars in europe, and ull get a little thing in ur backpack and u put it in ur house or w/e, thats what i think anyway.