Title: The petition Post by: Paul Homesley on October 02, 2005, 08:30:03 am We have so far in Cove, Been ignored by the UO team as a crappy little town with no interest. I belive we change this and demand a moongate and stables, And possibly a Forge and anvil, Wouldn't go a'miss. So if you would like to see these please select a option. There is no 'no' option, So if you do not agree do not sign. Thank you,
Title: Re: The petition Post by: Smedly Herbwood on October 02, 2005, 08:37:00 am There is no 'no' option, So if you do not agree do not sign. God bless democracy! Mister Bush would be proud :P (http://www.rense.com/1.imagesG/bushfingers.jpg) Title: Re: The petition Post by: Samuel West on October 02, 2005, 09:35:22 am I think asking for a forge might just be pushing it.
Maybe next year we could ask for those ;) Title: Re: The petition Post by: Darwin on October 02, 2005, 10:30:46 am We can so easily make our own forge, making our own moongate would cost a load of reagents though :)
Title: Re: The petition Post by: Shadwell on October 02, 2005, 08:51:40 pm I'd be be pleased with just a stable...
Or roads.. Title: Re: The petition Post by: Kiran on October 02, 2005, 08:53:10 pm Well a gate be blody useful, so we don't do those 10 minute marches down to minoc one, is fun sure with rp, but normally is just a waste, and people lag on way
Title: Re: The petition Post by: Calico on October 03, 2005, 02:55:13 pm ...most petitions are "don't sign if you don't approve." That's part of a petition.