Title: [OOC] Arathorn Ready for duty Post by: Nathaniel Hawk on January 29, 2005, 12:43:56 am Just wanted to apply that I'm ready for duty again after several months on researching ale....*hiccup*
(I had major problems with my Connection and after 8 weeks it's working... er...when I first joined there was about 20 members and now I hear there's some more....Some of you might know me others might not) Title: Re: [OOC] Arathorn Ready for duty Post by: Gottfried of Yew on January 29, 2005, 12:44:32 am Sup!
Title: Re: [OOC] Arathorn Ready for duty Post by: Shadwell on January 29, 2005, 06:44:40 pm Good to have you back Arathorn ;D