Title: Raiden's Trials Final Task - A Night On The Ale! Friday 7/10, 10pm GMT Post by: Raiden Morana on October 05, 2005, 08:45:58 am Raiden's Final Task - A Night On The Ale!
When: 10pm GMT, Friday 7th October 2005. Where: Folk Tale House (Thank ye Grief, we'll try not tay wreck it!) What To Bring: Yeselves an' a little coin fer drink ... er a lot o' coin fer drink!!! Everyone welcome! There will be some drinkin' games, then some drinkin', then a knife throwing competition, then some drinkin' then a small raffle and to finish up some more drinkin'! (I could do wi' a couple o' Grief's staff to attend to serve ale etc. if ye are around) *signed excitedly* Raiden Morana, Watchman. Title: Re: Raiden's Trials Final Task - A Night On The Ale! Friday 7/10, 10pm GMT Post by: Raiden Morana on October 07, 2005, 10:22:20 am *Raiden whistles*
*Raiden moves his notice to the top of the pile* Ahem ... *grins* |