Title: Hunt to Fire - Report! Post by: Hoagie on October 10, 2005, 09:37:36 pm *Hoagie pins a crudely written notice to the board*
Judas Deibeau (Junior) rounded up Hoagie (Recruit), Erik (Corporal), and Drachir (Junior) for a hunt to Fire... After getting a gate there by way of a wytch, we all piled in through the opening and began to make our way though the dark halls... (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/Crimefish/James%20Stuff/fire1.jpg) As we faught our way through, we reached the end of the first level... Two of us left, so It was jsut Hoagie and Erik left, and we made our way through to a bridge infested with Evil Mages. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/Crimefish/James%20Stuff/fire2.jpg) After burning it down, we made out way home. Title: Re: Hunt to Fire - Report! Post by: Joey Lanai on October 11, 2005, 12:50:26 pm Good sketches, but get some more information in there in future aye? including a list of those who attended.
- Joey Title: Re: Hunt to Fire - Report! Post by: Drachir on October 11, 2005, 01:51:54 pm *chuckles* No' much wen' on frankly, an' it were a bit embarrassin' at times, we 'ad te' get some 'elp from some mounted strangers...
Bu' well done te' Hoagie fer doin' a fine job in th'dungeon, 'e showed 'em lich's a thing or two. |