Title: Task of thousand feathers Post by: Dalamar on October 11, 2005, 10:14:26 pm Erik Arkay thinked that we, the reqruits, were too lazy punch of lasses. So he gathered us to barracks and gave us order. “Go to Covetous and bring me thousend feathers”. To lead us he assigned Juniour Scout Drachir.
Drahirs first order was “Line up at Covetous!! March March!!” After gathering at Covetous, Drachir lead us in to the dungeon. (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//dalhunt1.JPG) In Dungeon we saw alot of traps and horrible beast looked like birds with womans body!! But they were great pray for feathers so we started to slay them. After clearing the area we continued to inned parts of dungeon to seek more these creatures, but we only found headless ones and mystical floating eye balls that attacked us with spells. So Drachir decided that we need to move back towards entrance area where we found more these Birdwomans. (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//dalhunt2.JPG) After long fought and many dead birdwomans Drachir finaly gave order to move out from dungeon. When we were out from dungeon and counted our loot, we found out that we got 1200 feathrs! Much more than Erik had ordered us to collect. Finaly the task were complited. (http://premium1.uploadit.org/searlejr//dalhunt3.JPG) *Signed with red ink* Dalamar, Guardsman Recruit Attended: Junior Scout Drachir Watchman Delcarakdur Recruit Dalamar Recruit Ronin Tirando Recruit Kiyoshi Title: Re: Task of thousand feathers Post by: Delcarakdur on October 11, 2005, 10:50:20 pm Grand report lad, but I would like to see some paintings, and watch out fer those spelling mistakes lad. Keep up the good work!
*signed* Watchman Delcarakdur Title: Re: Task of thousand feathers Post by: Joey Lanai on October 12, 2005, 02:47:08 pm -You- Would like to see ? There are plenty of Sketches there.
What i'de like to see is you doing more reports and not hastling the Recruit's, Watchman ! - Joey (OOC: Uploaded your pics to my upload site so they're visible now, I suggest you find a better host in future ;)) Title: Re: Task of thousand feathers Post by: Shadwell on October 12, 2005, 06:31:33 pm Hah! The one handed Elf commenting a fine recruit here.
Good job Dalamar, your making fine progress. |