Title: Junior Course, Thursday 8pm GMT (13/10/05) Post by: Joey Lanai on October 13, 2005, 02:00:43 pm Junior Course
Tonight I will be leading a Junior Course for all those who seek further training and advancement within the ranks. This Course will cover the following aspects of a Guardsman's Duty; Stage 1: Combat Guardsmen are pitted together to learn to fight as a team, effectively. Stage 2: Physical Guardsmen are put through a difficult physical training excercise, slackers dont gain rank ! Stage 3: Advanced Healing (Healing under Pressure) Guardsmen are pitted against viscious beasts with only their fellow Guardsmen to help them, here they must put their training to use. ------- Upon passing each stage Guardsmen will have Completed the Junior's Advanced Course. (Attending a Junior Course is a Promotion Requirement for all Junior Guardsmen) *Signed* - Joey S. Lanai, Sergeant |