Title: A Drow Hunt! Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on October 13, 2005, 10:55:10 pm *We find a squad of eager Guardsmen outside of Despise*
Right Lads! We'll be doin' what I call a Drow Hunt in the depths of the Pit known as Despise! Gather as much gold as possible. Club monsters and competitors alike. Every dirty trick in the book is allowed! This is what seperates the men from the ninnies! *Joey grins most wickedly* Right! Let's get inside lads! (http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/6404/outside2et.jpg) The men battle their way to the second level of Despise and Erik send them on their merry way. As Erik makes himself comfortable at the entrance battlecries already resound on the dungeon walls. The game has started! (http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/210/drowhunt0ed.jpg) Minutes progressed an all that Erik could do was peer into the darkness ahead and listen to the now ghastly cries that could be heard down below! Time drew on and guardsmen passed by trying to offload some of their riches when all of a sudden Erik hears desperate footsteps running towards him! Take it! TAKE IT! He's coming! HE'S COMING! *Suddenly the most dreaded batlecry was heard* Never fear! Joey's 'ere! (http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/3580/hoagieandjoey9hd.jpg) Hoagie desperately clings on to his wellearned gold (http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/3471/someonetookit2ws.jpg) Hoagie tries to plee with Erik but is not met with comprehension After a most gruesome evening of blood and mayhem Erik sounds his horn calling the Hunt to an end and announces the results (http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/1046/nada8cy.jpg) Some men come in with surprisingly little (http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/8311/pinkdress7lk.jpg) Others came in with strange objects (http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/1214/firstplace0li.jpg) A surprising winner! In the end the results were as follows: 5th Delcarakdur: Nothing 4th Hoagie: 1 Pink Dress 3rd Raiden Moragan: 687 gold 2nd Vincent Redfield: 6.963 gold 1st Joey Lanai: 17.973 gold Everyone returned to the Barracks, some with inflated and others with diminished ego's. Upon arrival everyone seemed to have regained their good spirits and donated the entire amount to the Baron's coffers! (http://img398.imageshack.us/img398/286/inthenameofthemilitia3qd.jpg) |