Title: First Crafters Meeting!! Post by: Izzy on October 15, 2005, 12:45:39 am When:1600 GMT, Saturday October 22nd.
Where:The Town Hall. Bring:Yourselves and any questions you have! CRAFTERS TAKE NOTE!! Your time has come! The Mayoress has declared that there will be a creation of a might Guild for all crafters, miners, lumberjacks and any other gatherer or creator! This is the call for all crafters, apprentices and masters alike to come for the first official meeting, where candidates for the position of Guildmaster can step forward and state their case to the Mayoress herself in front of the other crafters assembled. As well as a time for the general duties and benefits that this Guild will have on the Crafter community of Cove! Don't miss out, this is history in the making!! |