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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Delcarakdur on October 15, 2005, 07:51:19 pm

Title: Training Report
Post by: Delcarakdur on October 15, 2005, 07:51:19 pm
Guardsmen Training:

When: 1900 to 2000 GMT
Where: Barracks rooftop
Equipment state: Fairly good, Watchman Thomas Sendrich had perfect condition equipment.

Guardsmen in attendance:
- Delcarakdur, Watchman (leading)
- Drachir, Junior Scout
- John Dell, Junior Guardsman
- Raiden Mordana, Junior Guardsman
- Thomas Sendrich, Watchman
- Roland Dagorian, Guardsman Recruit
- Olchafa Serpernt, Git...Footslave...Guardsman Recruit
- Erik Arkay, Grenadier Corporal (observer)

With me being promoted and stuff, I thought it might be time to do a little training for the new recruits. The focus of this training was healing and formation tactics.

The guardsmen were, as usual late... Damn lazy bastards. Only John Dell, Thomas Sendrik and Olchafa Serpernt Turned up in time. The others arrived later in the training.

Damn lazy militiamen!

We began with a little workout, to warm the men up and to see if they were fit. After that I did a equipment check: Thomas Sendrich' armor and shield was in perfect condition, while the others equipment were in from fair to very good condition. Only one man didn't have his bedroll and everyone had light sources.

We then proceeded to the real training, and I started with dividing them into pairs and telling them that they were only to heal the person he was paired to. I then took a wooden sword and began striking them, trying to knock them unconscious. They did well in the first part, but when I started using special moves they began to fall.

Then the formed on Raiden and I told them that now everyone could heal everyone. I did again as in part 2 and no improvements were seen. frustrated I divided them into two teams. One team was the attacking team (under Raiden) and the other was the defending team (under John Dell).

Telling the guardsmen what to do

The defenders where not allowed to cross the white chalk line and the attackers could move as they pleased, befitting of an offensive force. The attackers first two attacks were successful thanks to coordinated tactics and clever use of the mortal strike special move. Then the defending teams leader, John Dell had to leave and Drachir, having arrived a "little" late, took control. The rules were then tweaked a little... The defenders were now Raidens team and we were now doing a "Protect the Baron(Played by Raiden)" scenario. The defending team were to defend the "baron with their lives, which they failed when the well coordinated attack of Drachir's team incapacitated Raiden.

The "Baron" is about to beat the dust

The "Baron" is dead!

All in all, not a bad training, as offensive capacities are well honed. As for defense it is another matter entirely...I suggest doing a couple of defense focused trainings, just to keep the men well trained.


Watchman Delcarakdur

Title: Re: Training Report
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on October 15, 2005, 08:20:05 pm
A well led trainin' Del!

Title: Re: Training Report
Post by: Samuel West on October 15, 2005, 08:29:01 pm
*Sits there for the twentyth hour polishing his kit*

Kit as good as mine don' come easy.

*Continues polishing*