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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Smedly Herbwood on October 16, 2005, 06:27:23 pm

Title: First Baron's Court Meeting
Post by: Smedly Herbwood on October 16, 2005, 06:27:23 pm
Minutes from the Court Session


Items discussed:

1. The situation with Vesper

General feeling that Vesperians are still causing trouble, often picking on citizens that go out into the woods alone to cut wood.  Possibility of arresting Vesperians on sight if they are seen when Covians are on patrol.  No trade with Vesper in the near future, instead focus on trade with Minoc who we are at peace with.  Trade routes to Minoc would bring Covians close to Vesper so caravans would need to be accompanied by Guards.  Suggested Vesper might agree to the Baron's terms (especially regarding the Covian border extending to the crossroads) if they were to lose their trade with Minoc to us.

2. Covian plague

A quarantine was set up recently in Cove to deal with the recent outbreak of plague, but was disrupted by people from Yew.  Fears that a few plague bearers may have escaped during the commotion.  Talks of finding a plague carrier and bring in to be studied to help divine a cure.  Origins of plague still not entirely clear; came in on a recent shipment? carried by the rats and stray cats in Cove? reports of dead watchmen found in the Watchtower?

3. Increased criminal activity in Cove

Higher rates of crime have been recorded in recent weeks.  However, a higher influx of Watchmen into the militia should mean more people on the street to deal with the surge in activity.

4. First Crafter's meeting

Mayoress Ysabelle will be holding the first Crafter's meeting next saturday to help make the Covian crafters more profitable and efficient.  Should see some changes to the ways crafters operate in Cove in a way that will be beneficial to the citizenship.

Questions from the floor

With regard to the Law that states citizens must not engage in combat, does this apply to self defence?  No, citizens are allowed to engage in combat in order to defend themselves but it is a much safer option for them to try to flee and seek a guard.

Is there anyone within the militia to take care of prisoners?  Prisoners are taken care of by the noose, or more violent offenders are dealt with by members of the church and a large pyre.

Regarding the proposed 'treaty' with Vesper, will this have negative impacts on our alliance with Yew who are still at war with the Vesperians?  A treaty was not discussed, merely a ceasefire.  This does not mean that the war is ended, merely that both sides will agree not to engage in combat for a period.  The authorities in Yew should understand this, and perhaps even agree to a similar situation with Vesper.

Many of the Light Company is not available, what should be done?  Valiro is currently on leave, but shall be returning.  In the meantime, the highest ranking members of the Light Company should be making an extra effort to recruit in their commander's absence.