Title: Watchman Trials: Delcarakdur Post by: Joey Lanai on October 19, 2005, 10:42:14 pm Watchman Trials
Delcarakdur Congratulations on your speedy grasp of your Watchman tasks, now ofcourse comes the hard part ! Your Watchman Trials Part 1: Lead 3 Seperate Patrols of the Covian shire and set up camp with a sentry at each area. There area's include; - The Vesperian Border - The Eastern Ruins - Altmere Outpost Part 2: Lead 3 Seperate Hunts to Locations within the Lands of Ilshenar, most of this land is yet uncharted and will work well towards prooving your ability as a Guardsman. You must have gathered a grand total of 75,000 Gold for the Baron's coffers on completeion of all hunts. Part 3: Lead a Recruitment parade to Two of the following towns, Britain, Haven or Skara brae, each Parade consists of... - A Recruitment Stall (A Sentry with Recruitment posters). - Handing out of Recruitment flyers. - General parading. Part 4: Host a Non-combat event for all to enjoy (Dart's Competition, Tavern Night, Talent Contest Ect. Be Creative) (Write Reports on all Relevant subjects to be posted below) ------ Goodluck with your Trials, Watchman ! *Signed* - Sergeant, Joey Lanai Title: Re: Watchman Trials: Delcarakdur Post by: Delcarakdur on October 19, 2005, 10:58:12 pm *mutter as he reads the task(s)* *curses loudly*