Title: Un-Covering a Legend (Part 2), Sunday 7:00pm GMT (23-10-05) Post by: John Dell on October 21, 2005, 09:58:46 pm Un-Covering a Legend Part 2
"To Illshenar !" This coming Sunday, Junior Guardsman, John Dell will be leading a group of Guardsmen to Illshenar in search of Clues to the Legendary weapon which will help us in the battle with our enemies. Be ready for battle, its dangours lands to cross. Where: The Barracks When: 7:00 PM (GMT) What to Bring: Battle gear, Heavy battle awaits. *Signed* On Behalf of John Dell - Joey Lanai, Sergeant Guardsman Title: Re: Un-Covering a Legend (Part 2), Sunday 7:00pm GMT (23-10-05) Post by: John Dell on October 23, 2005, 02:20:27 pm [OOC]Guess this is closed[/OOC]