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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Joey Lanai on October 27, 2005, 01:21:52 am

Title: Joey's Heroic Efforts (Part 3)
Post by: Joey Lanai on October 27, 2005, 01:21:52 am
Joey's Heroic Efforts
"Never fear, Joey's 'ere !"

Joey awoke, face down in the "paperwork" he had been working on the night
previous, ofcourse most of this consisted of doodles and finger paintings...
until suddenly a beeming Watchman burst through the door of the Barracks.

"Sarge, Sarge ! some lass is askin' f'ye's ! she says she needs heroic help !"

With that, Joey leapt to his feet, another day, another possible heroic act !
would Joey turn down such a deed? never ! this must be of the gravest importance...

Joey took a stroll into town and the keen Watchman pointed towards the woman
who needed help, Joey walked up to the woman with a raised eyebrow,

"Wha' the problem lass?", Joey asks calmly

"Oooh.. My cat.. my lovely cat has gone missing, she could be anywhere, she's
so small, so weak ! my poor little snoogums.. i'de die without her !"

Joey sets his goal

Joey, now mind set on finding the cat leapt to the conclusion that she may be in
grave danger, so he headed off into the unknown to search for the cat !

He searched high and low, where could this cat be? was it in Cove? surely not !
otherwise why would she call for "The bravest of brave" Guardsmen to come help?

His trips led him to illshenar !


Into the darkest Ice Caves !


Even to the firey resting place of a Balron Lord


But alas, his efforts were in vane, this cat could NOT be found, Joey had failed in his
quest and after narrowly escaping the wrath of the Balron, he headed home to
cove to give the bad news to the poor, poor woman...


But then, just as Joey was leaving the area he heard some scuffling from around the
house corner, what was it? those damned rats again ?! Joey raised his mace ready
to crush the vermin only to be met with the face of a tiny kitten, after all his searching,
the cat was here all along, and alas, Joey's quest was now completed.



(OOC: If you Enjoyed this, be sure to check out...
Joey's Heroic Efforts Part 2 - http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,2452.0.html

Joey's Heroic Efforts Part 1 - http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,1454.0.html )

Title: Re: Joey's Heroic Efforts (Part 3)
Post by: Jessica Hawkins on October 27, 2005, 09:51:42 am
Ah wonderful! *Smirks*
I yet again see some hope for my own little kitten "Mindy"
Lost her some time back.. if you see a small grey striped kitten...then be sure to tell me *Winks*

I expect you to find it..*taps her foot*

*Signed neatly*
Jessica Hawkins

Title: Re: Joey's Heroic Efforts (Part 3)
Post by: Samuel West on October 27, 2005, 05:53:42 pm
I have i' miss!!!!

*Buys a random cat and paints it to look like her cat*


Thomas Sendrich, Watchman