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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Banedon on October 27, 2005, 03:33:43 am

Title: Union Work - Resource Gathering
Post by: Banedon on October 27, 2005, 03:33:43 am
* With aching arms and a weary head, Banedon feebly begins to write a report of his days undertakings. Little did he realise when he took this job, that he would be required to work so hard *

Miss Izzy,

Ne'er let it be said, that id ask my fellow Covians to do anything, id nay be prepared to do myself for the Crafters Union. Today Miss, I decided i wus gonna 'ead out to the forest  and begin on our wood reserves, so's I grabs me axe, borrows a couple o'  pack 'orses from Ol' Draco next door and sets off chopping wood. 


Between getting chased by soddin' ogres and mauled by ruddy rats, im surprised I got owt done. But with a stout heart, and more importantly, fast legs, I managed to evade em sods long enough to gather some logs.


Oddly enough, I wasnae payin' much attention as I ran around em woods, and accidently walked thru a portal of sorts, and ended up in a large farmin community. Whats more em lucky buggers had bigger trees! Needless tae say, I hacked away contentedly for hours.


Sadly em 'orses started whingin, so I figures 'ey be 'ungry, so I asked some fella where the nearest place to get fruit wus, and found meself directed to a local farmer. Well, wouldn' ye know it, they got a ruddy big field full o' sheep !!
Truly the Avatar wus with me, so I grabs me a sharp knife, and starts shearin em sheep, some of em gave me a little trouble, but I still got away wi' a fair ammount o' wool.



Eventually night began to fall, and I wus strugglin to see beyond me own 'ands, so I made meself a lantern, and began the long slow trek 'ome. Despite the lateness of the day in which I returned Miss, t'was still a productive days work.

Resources gathered:

10,000 Logs
50 Wool

Governer of Altmere.